Thursday, November 12, 2009

Is 'New Moon' going to be worth it?

As many of you may know, the movie 'New Moon' is going to be released at midnight one week from today. According to, "the film has already outsold its predecessor, Twilight, in total advance ticket sales on Fandango, the nation's leading movie ticketing destination. The new movie currently represents 75% of the site's ticket sales."

I am completely guilty of being one of the individuals that is really excited to see the movie and will be attending the midnight premier. I became hooked with the series after watching the first movie, 'Twilight'. After I watched the movie, I decided that I would give the first book a try.

After reading the first book, I was hooked! I read all of the rest of them within the next two months. I then went and bought the movie on DVD, and my roommates and I watch often. I am addicted.

What is it about this series that has captured the hearts and attention of millions upon millions of people all over this country and the world? I have pinpointed it to its very good looking cast that really has an unique chemistry. It is the love triangles, and the amazingly realistic possibilities. These vampires are not like the typical vampires that we see in the usual fiction film. They are very believable as vampires, yet they are realistic. They make us wonder if people like this actually do exist in our world, but we just do not know.

Now when it comes to the new movie, what is going to happen? Is it going to live up to all of its expectations? Many people expected much more from the previous film, but did not get it, yet the movie was still a success and people still want to see the next one. What if this is a complete bomb?

Obviously if this is a success and considered a great movie, it will only increase the fan base even more.

What are your thoughts? What is going to happen with this movie?


  1. I can say that I have never read any of the books even after many failed attempts of a friend who said they were amazingly good. I just recently finally broke down and watched the movie only about a month ago and that was really just because the Red Box was out of other options. I will say, however, that I really enjoyed the movie but not enough o go buy it or even convince myself to read the books. My boyfriend’s cousin actually was on vacation in Hawaii and went and the saw first Twilight movie in theaters 8 times while there. That is just crazy to me how someone can be so obsessed with a movie that while they are on vacation to one of the most pretty places on earth, that they would spend their time inside watching a movie that will still be around to watch when they got back. I will not be seeing the new movie on premiere night or even in theaters for that matter. I will wait until it is released to Red Box or Netflix to watch it.

  2. I will admit that I went to the first Twilight movie, but only because my girlfriend wanted me to. I did find it interesting, but I'm not going to try very hard to see this new one. For some reason, it seems that movies that are part of a series like Lord of the Rings and Pirates of the Caribbean have a much larger following than movies that don't. I'm not a movie expert, but I'm guessing this new Twilight movie will be very successful.

  3. I have to admit that I have never seen the first movie but I do have a 15 year old daughter that read all of the books a year ago and became hooked big time, loved the first movies, and has mentioned nothing but the “New Moon” movie since the trailers first started coming out. After reading your post, I had her read it as well and asked her if she thought the movie would be worth it and she told me it is going to be even better than the first one.
    I am usually not a big fan of sequels but with “Harry Potter” and “Transformers”, they have done very well. I expect this to be along the same lines and be very popular and well made.
